I am a full-time artist and art teacher in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I discovered my love of art at an early age thanks to an amazing Calgary junior high school art teacher that sparked my interest in drawing and painting. My artistic skills and knowledge took flight with over 20 years of mentorship from my long-time and now deceased Calgary art teacher, Betty MacDonald.
On-going art education classes and workshops and courses with professional artists have further contributed to a career in art that I’ve never lost my love for!
I am constantly inspired by the world and its beauty! It is always patiently waiting for me to pay attention. For me, art is a way of living. It is a beautiful reminder for me to slow down, awaken my senses, be curious, express my energy, engage with others, play, learn and grow. The magic in a successful painting occurs when energy and life flow harmoniously. I am forever inspired to capture a moment, create art on a two-dimensional surface and evoke a strong feeling in the viewer!
For several years I have taught art classes in my studio to students of all ages through weekly art classes, private art classes, and summer art camps. I love to share my knowledge and experience with my students! I encourage and guide them to build confidence in their creative pursuits and ultimately, follow their dreams!
I hope my art lives on to engage and inspire others to pursue what they love. I walk my talk and believe in my abilities to do what I am passionate about - create art. I wish to share my knowledge and experience with likeminded people and inspire them to follow their dreams. I believe it’s possible to create our life by working hard with the right tools and focus to give us a clear vision of what we truly want!